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If you are one of countless Florida homeowners and individuals who is overwhelmed by debt, do not give up. You have options.


I am Timothy J. Sierra, Attorney At Law. As a Tampa Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer, I have dedicated my law firm to helping people explore these options. With more than two decades of legal experience, I have assisted numerous clients to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy and gain a fresh financial start.

Talk to me about your financial circumstances by scheduling a free initial consultation. You can send me an e-mail or call toll free at 877-492-7449 or locally at 813-258-3455.


Why People Choose Chapter 13

Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves a three- to five-year repayment plan for debts. Most people who file a Chapter 13 petition do so for one of seven reasons:


  1. They want to avoid the liquidation and sale of their property that is required in Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

  2. They have fallen behind on their car payments or house payments and need time to catch up.

  3. They want to repay their state or federal tax debt without interest or penalties.

  4. They genuinely desire to repay their creditors what is owed, but they need a manageable payment plan to do so.

  5. They make too much money to qualify for filing Chapter 7.

  6. They want to remove a second mortgage if circumstances permit.

  7. They want to restructure car payments over 5 years


In addition to the benefits listed above, filing a bankruptcy petition will put an automatic stay into effect. This automatic stay is a court-issued order that will stop creditor harassment, wage garnishment and debt-related lawsuits against you.


Talk to a Tampa, Clearwater and St. Petersburg Debt Repayment Attorney

To find out more about how a Tampa Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney can help you obtain debt relief and gain a fresh start, arrange a free initial consultation. Call the Tampa office toll free at 877-492-7449 or locally at 813-463-2256, or fill out the online contact form. All phone messages and e-mails are returned within 24 hours.


*We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


Toll Free: 877-492-7449 
Phone: 813-258-3455 
Fax: 813-258-4746 

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation for Bankruptcy

To talk to an experienced Tampa bankruptcy attorney, call 813.258.3455 or fill out the below form. All calls are returned within 24 hours.

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Tampa Office 
118 South Rome Avenue 
Tampa, FL 33606


​​​​© 2023 by Timothy J. Sierra. 

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